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Writing Resources

Tools for the writer.

Resources for Writers


The best advice is to write every day, and read a variety of styles of books, articles, and other materials. 


Writing Groups: Find one in your local community. This is a great place to meet other writers, gain feedback, and discover helpful tips. Everyone needs a cheering squad!



Creative Journaling: Keep a writing journal. Write regularly. Just as artists practice painting, writers must play with words. Use your journal to practice different styles of writing, voices, and word choices. 


"Morning Pages" - a form of free writing. Read more in "The Artist's Way: A Spiritual Path to Higher Creativity" by Julia Cameron.



Merriam- Webster Online Dictionary:
A helpful link and every editor's go-to source for word spellings and definitions. Dictionary, Thesaurus, and fun word games. 







Every writer needs a library. Here are some helpful tools to help with your writing goals.  

Inspiring writers every day!

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