12 Questions to Ask Yourself About Writing
It's a brand new year, fresh like a blank page in your notebook. Traditionally, we each reflect on the past year and ponder hopes for the...
A Few Favorite Literary Things
Taking a cue from Oprah, here's a top ten list of my favorite cozy literary things. What are your favorites? 1. NaNoWriMo- Sure, we write...
For the love of books
These are some of my favorite books. The list is not complete, by any means. I merely reached for the closest ones from the bookshelf....
Summer Reading
Finally after cold winter months and the chill of spring, the hope of summer will soon be upon us. Whether you plan a trip to the beach,...
What is a Prologue?
Inquiring minds want to know: What is a prologue? Well, basically it is an introduction.... but more specifically, it is used within a...
Recipe for Writing
The world of literature is vast and wide. Short stories. Poetry. Fiction. Memoirs. Non-fiction. History. Science Fiction. Children's...
The Trick to Writing Suspense
Here are some quick tips for writing suspense: Let the reader know what's at stake from the very beginning. Keep the stakes high. Put the...
How to be a Word Collector
Writers must love words- what they mean, how they sound, how they feel, and how they are used. When I was growing up, I used to spend...
Memoir Writing
Memoir writing is much like fiction writing in the sense that it still must contain basic elements of plot in order to grab readers and...
The Short & Sweet of Writing a Synopsis
So, you’ve finished your novel and it’s time to write the synopsis. Don’t freak out...here are some tips to help you wrangle this big...