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Recipe for Writing

The world of literature is vast and wide.

Short stories. Poetry. Fiction. Memoirs. Non-fiction. History. Science Fiction. Children's books. YA. You name it, there's a genre for it.

All of the best writers will tell you that instead of wondering what you should write about, just write about what you love. Write what you know. Look inside the farthest reaches of your imagination, the realm of your experiences, and within your heart. Take all of those things, then mix in a dash of wonderment and creativity, throw in a sprinkle of curiosity, and take pencil to paper....and write. The story will shape itself. Don't worry what people will think. Just write for yourself. Write what you feel and what you love; writing from the heart is what touches people's emotions and imaginations - do this and the audience will find you. Now having said this, it doesn't necessarily mean that you will not receive criticism or rejection along the way- but that's "a whole 'nother story," as we say in the South!

Read everything you can get your hands on- read books, magazine articles, comic books, and newspapers. Read it all. Read things you enjoy. Read new authors and old friends. Read the classics, read giant books with 400 pages, and read obscure books that no one has ever heard of. It's particularly important to step outside of your "Reading Comfort Zone" to read things that challenge your way of thinking, and genres which you typically do not enjoy - or even despise. After all, this is what books are meant to do. Reading outside of your comfort zone broadens not only your vocabulary, but your very way of thinking. Our brains are super smart- and even though we do not realize it, while we are reading our minds are soaking up new ideas along with the author's style of writing.

Stay humble. This is a good rule for everyone out there. But writers will discover that if they stay humble, then they will be more likely to stay open to new ways of writing. Otherwise, a pretentious mindset will box you in to thinking you know it all and have ALL the answers to the perfect writing formula. Eventually, you will lose your edge. It's so easy to get stuck in a writing voice or style. Whether it works or suddenly stops working, a humble heart will free you to true creativity.

Whether it's every day or every week, keep a regular writing schedule. Commit yourself to writing regularly- do what works for you and your schedule. Doing so stretches your writing muscles and keeps them in shape. It also allows for a steady flow of creativity. This is necessary for writers and creative people alike.

Take quiet time on a regular basis to think and ponder. Writers are people who are naturally creative, who wonder about things, and who internalize deep thoughts or feelings. Writing is the way to exercise all of these things, much in the same way that artists see some beautiful or interesting object and must paint it. When you regularly take the time to sit and stare at the natural wonders around you, or to observe people and their conversations, or to think on the deeper things in life, then you channel the muse- what I mean is that it becomes a regular pattern and way for you to not only get in touch with your need and desire to write, but is also another way to keep the faucet of creativity flowing.


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