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A Few Favorite Literary Things

Taking a cue from Oprah, here's a top ten list of my favorite cozy literary things. What are your favorites?

1. NaNoWriMo- Sure, we write every month. But November is a WHOLE month devoted to all things writing. It's a chance to take stock of writing goals, and focus on a specific project. A month chock full of inspiration and motivation is grand! We writers need all the help we can get.

2. Cozy evenings spent reading, warm fireplace or not. With book in hand, an enjoyable evening is sure to be had! (Add a cup of hot tea in your favorite mug.)

3. A trio of libraries, indie bookshops, and Little Free Libraries- One can get lost in these places forever- and be quite happy, indeed! Let's not forget used bookshops. These places are often hiding lost treasures. Usually, they are community centers for writers, and host a plethora of unique author and writing events. Support your local book place.

4. Books as gifts. Long ago, one year I didn't have much money for Christmas gifts. I went to the local Salvation Army Thrift Store in my town, scoping out imaginative gift ideas for my family and friends. Low and behold, I discovered the book section! Everyone received a book that year- and the tradition continues. Give a copy of your favorite book to everyone, or a book of inspiration. There's a book for everyone, just waiting to be found. The joy of reading makes the best gift. If you're really crafty, you could make an audio or video of you reading your favorite storybook for a child you know. Iceland has a well-developed holiday especially for this: Jolabokaflod, an annual "Christmas flood of books!" (Read more about it here, and get inspired!)

5. New notebooks and pens- Ah, the joy of finding a great notebook for writing, and the perfect pens! A lovely new journal, fresh with blank pages, always inspires. These need not be expensive. Dollar stores and thrift stores often have a section devoted to these items.

6. Books that inspire- Particularly as writers and poets, it's inspirational to read about authors we admire, or gain lessons from their life experiences. Such books offer insight into a writer's life, and what shaped them. Check out Bird by Bird, authored by Anne Lamott.

7. Literary Field Trips- There are SO many options here. Themed trips could be styled according to book genre, location, or a multitude of other options. Tons of museums devoted to writers or writing are also interesting choices. You could visit Robert Frost's home, or that of Emily Dickinson, Flannery O'Conner, or Charles Dickens- just to name a few. A few of these places even offer a chance to sit at their desk. Imagine! Last winter I made the rounds to several Deep South indie bookshops in an effort to escape the frozen tundras of the midwest. It was refreshing, inspiring, and I met wonderful people who loved books just as much (if not more) than me!

8. Book Discussions- Books are meant to be talked about and discussed- even the fun ones. Join a book club, or just randomly toss out a tidbit about a book you've read when chatting with friends. What did you like about that book (or why didn't you like it)? Did it change the way you thought about a topic?

9. Films based on books... sometimes- We all know that usually the movies leave something important out from the book's story, or they totally change it altogether. But sometimes, every now and again, the book is polished just enough that the story shines through, bringing the characters to life in a completely new way.

10. Listening to an author read their work aloud (or Q/A sessions with authors)- I think this is often my most favorite of all. Whether poetry or novels or fiction, hearing an author read their work is always enlightening. It's possible to hear the inflections and tone of their voice in just the right parts, and glean some insight into the poem or story. The Q/A sessions are the perfect chance to ask those questions you've been dying to know about.

What are your favorite literary things?

Happy Holidays- Keep writing!

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