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12 Questions to Ask Yourself About Writing

It's a brand new year, fresh like a blank page in your notebook. Traditionally, we each reflect on the past year and ponder hopes for the new year, and resolve to set goals. Here are a few questions to ask yourself about writing. Grab your notebook, a cup of hot tea, your thinking cap, and get ready to reflect. Happy New Year!

1. Why do I write?

2. Which atmosphere and routine best helps me as a writer? (think of when, where, and how often) Why?

3. What inspires me to write? Is it a specific place, mood, or writer? How can I keep the fire of this inspiration burning strong?

4. How do I fuel creativity when I am not writing? Which self-care behaviors, actions, and patterns best help me as a person and writer?

5. What was the last book I read? The best book? The worst book? (Ask why.) What are my reading goals for 2018?

6. Are there any writing conferences, workshops, author or book events, writing groups, bookshops, or libraries in my area in 2018? Go where writers and readers go this new year.

7. Which tools best help me as a writer? (For example, a program like "Dragon," or particular apps, a new old-school notebook that inspires, etc.)

8. What are my writing goals for 2018? Think long and short-term. Then celebrate your successes- the big and small.

9. Plan ahead for writer's block. Check out my Pinterest page for ideas.

10. Do I feel confident as a writer? Why or why not? If not, what can help me develop this confidence?

11. If I could speak with any writer, living or dead, who would it be and why? What would we talk about? What questions would I ask them?

12. What advice would I give to new writers, up-and-coming writers, young writers, and/or my younger writing self?

Keep writing in 2018! Happy New Year!

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